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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 6, Issue 8, 2019, Page No: 14-21

Training in Education Management and the Performance of Head Teachers as Instructional Leaders

Rachel Mabuku Kabeta*


Citation : Rachel Mabuku Kabeta, Training in Education Management and the Performance of Head Teachers as Instructional Leaders International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2019, 6(8) : 14-21.


The National Education Policy of Zambia states that effectiveness in the delivery of education depends on the quality of school administration. The policy further states that school heads need training in educational management and supervision in order to be effective. However, the policy acknowledges that the majority of those occupying supervisory and management positions have not received relevant training for their positions. Teachers are appointed straight from classrooms to management positions without prior training in management and leadership. This paper presents perspectives of Head teachers and teachers on the aspect of training for teachers appointed into leadership positions and the challenges in the efforts to offer such training by the Ministry of Education. The perspectives are obtained through a study of 32 head teachers and 160 teachers in selected schools in the Central Province of Zambia. The results show that the majority of the head teachers who participated in the study did not receive training that prepared them for their role. The findings reveal further that the Zambian Education System does not have much provision for training of head teachers in educational management and as a result such training is not a prerequisite to being appointed as a head teacher. This has a negative impact on the performance of the head teachers and affects student academic performance.

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