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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education

special issue proposal

What is a Special Issue refers to?

Special Issues are nothing but sub topics/ more specific topics of journal which are focused with the scope of journals. Special issues are handled by Guest Editors who are expertise on particular subject, will review the manuscripts and provide decision on them.

How to prepare special issue proposal?

Special issues will be with a minimum set of 7 articles is released on a monthly basis and proposals will be accepted accordingly. All proposals should contain the following information for Editorial Office use

  1. Title of the proposed special issue
  2. Purpose and relevance to journal scope
  3. List of topics to be covered
  4. List of potential contributors/ colleagues/ experts
  5. Guest Editor (s) and Reviewers
  6. Contact details like Address, phone, e-mail, and fax of guest editors and reviewers

Submissions could be Research/ Review/ case reports/ editorial articles etc. Special Issue proposals and manuscripts are welcome at any time during the year, and could be submitted to