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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 6, Issue 6, 2019, Page No: 49-57

Vigilante Committees in the Fight against Boko Haram in Cameroon: A Historical and Anthropological Approach of the Integration of Civilians in the Domain of Security

Jean Philippe Ntede Edongo1*, Otye Elom2

1.University of Douala-Cameroon.
2.University of Maroua.

Citation : Jean Philippe Ntede Edongo, Otye Elom, Vigilante Committees in the Fight against Boko Haram in Cameroon: A Historical and Anthropological Approach of the Integration of Civilians in the Domain of Security International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2019, 6(6) : 49-57.


Since terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist groups called Boko Haram in Maroua town started, the headquarter of the Far-North Region of Cameroon, vigilance committees were created all over this part of the Cameroonian territory to bring a helping hand to the army in the fight against terrorism. However, they are made up of the local populations recognized by the administration that does not hesitate to provide them with some aid in order to facilitate their task. The presence of vigilance committees also show that when a human community finds itself confronted with a problem, it has the ability to seek for endogenous solutions to solve them, this implies that every project that does not give priority to the community in place is likely to fail. This communication will take place from the internal domain of some populations of the Far-North of Cameroon. This will show how the vigilance committees function as well as their importance to the social life of the populations in this part of the country.

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