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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 6, Issue 3, 2019, Page No: 103-113

Implementation of the Competency-based Approach to Teaching the Uzbek as a Foreign Language in a Foreign University

Aziza Mashrabbekova

Professor of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea.

Citation : Aziza Mashrabbekova, Implementation of the Competency-based Approach to Teaching the Uzbek as a Foreign Language in a Foreign University International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2019, 6(3) : 103-113


The author of the article considers the essence and specifics of realization of competence-based approach to teaching the Uzbek language as foreign in higher education institutions abroad. The methodical analysis is carried out on the example of South Korean higher education system's features taking into account actual tendencies of world educational practice. In a technique of projection of the Uzbek language teaching system as foreign in higher education institution abroad the competence-based approach is considered as a set of the general principles defining the purposes of foreign-language education, selection of the educational content, the organization of educational process and an assessment of educational results. The author allocates the main units of competence-based approach realization acting as key results of foreign-language education in higher education institution - competences; the changing role of teacher and student as the subjects of the educational process. In the work there is a differentiated list of the necessary competences formed during studying the Uzbek language as foreign in a higher educational institution. Thus their systematization is carried out within linguistic, professional and personal components. The interpretation of the allocated components has led the author to a conclusion that foreign-language competence can't be considered as an unchangeable phenomenon, it is a dynamic system, which is transforming depending on the purpose, a stage and a form of studying of the Uzbek language as foreign.

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