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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 6, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 43-51

Jerusalem in the Ottoman Rule (1516-1917 AD)

Dr Zakaria Ibrahim Al-Sinwar*

Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, the Islamic University of Gaza.

Citation : Dr Zakaria Ibrahim Al-Sinwar, Jerusalem in the Ottoman Rule (1516-1917 AD)International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2019, 6(1) : 43-51.


Jerusalem enjoyed a special status during the period of Islamic rule, because of its religious status in Islam, it was ruled by the Ottomans 400 years (1516-1917), It passed through three stages, the foreign ambitions of Europe and Zionism emerged.

This study deals with the situation of Jerusalem under the Ottoman rule in its first era and then its conditions under Egyptian rule and then in the late Ottoman period until 1917 as you study European ambitions in the city and excavations and excavations in Jerusalem, Jerusalem in the late Ottoman era and the goals of those excavations and then dealt with the Zionist settlement in Jerusalem and how it was beginning individual efforts by taking a dimension of "charity" in favour of the poor Jews and then became a settlement directed by the Zionist movement and the extent of settlement.

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