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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 40-47

The Impact of Using Multimedia Technologies on Students Academic Achievement in the Bakirkoy Final College

Dr.Necdet Incedayi

graduated from Istanbul University Geography Department,Marmara University,India.

Citation :Necdet Incedayi, The Impact of Using Multimedia Technologies on Students Academic Achievement in the Bakirkoy Final College International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(1) : 40-47


The aim of this page is to find out the impact of using animation on college level students' academic achievement in the Bakirkoy Final College. 28 students were selected and it is divided into two equal groups. Modern technologies are used for first group and traditional approaches are preferring for second group. This study observed a significant relationship between students' use of animation technology and their achievements in geography course. This paper reports on the results of the exam, documenting what was revealed regarding how technology is used among students at the Final College, as well as the important benefits on their achievements during geography courses. Animation technologies usage might produce comparatively more significant increases in geographic academic achievement than would non usage.

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