Relationship between Personality Traits and Perception of Family Functioning among Unwed Pregnant Teenagers
Dr.Asma Perveen1,Dr.Pau Kee2,Dr.Hazalizah Bt Hamzah3,Dr.Fauziah Binti Mohd Sa'ad4, Nurul Syakila Binti Mohmed Darussalam5
Citation :Dr.Asma Perveen,, Relationship between Personality Traits and Perception of Family Functioning among Unwed Pregnant Teenagers International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(9) : 40-45
Different personality traits may have influenced the perception of family functioning. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the personality traits and perception of family functioning among unwed pregnant teenagers. Pregnant teenagers (N=60) from Baitul Ehsan and BaituIslah participated in this study. Their age (mean 17.30) , mostly were first born in the family, (80%) and belong to rural area (30%) urban area (70%), education were (70%) primary (PMR) and (30%) SPM schooling. The instrument to assess personality and family functioning were Eysenck' Personality Inventory and Self-report Family Inventory II. After data collction the results were analyzed using Pearson Correlation to find the relationship between personality traits and perception of family functioning among unwed pregnant teenagers. The study results revealed a significant negative correlation between personality traits and pregnancy adolescent's perception of their family functioning. The highest score on extraversion domain, having a significantly lower score on healthy family functioning. The results showed that personality traits are negatively significant with perception of family functioning. The results of this study emphasize the importance of personality traits and early relationship with the family and interaction of family play a significant role in support of teenager behavior. The results help us to highlight the personality traits and family awareness to increase healthy sexual behaviors among teenagers..