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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 7, 2017, Page No: 84-93

Developing Ecology and Environment Learning Materials of Scientific Literacy Skills and Local Potencial for Indonesia Students

Dr.Binari Manurung1*,Verronicha Crysty1*, Syarifuddin1*, Anggi Tias Pratama 2

1.Department of Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan.
2.Department of Biology Education ,Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara.

Citation : Binari Manurung, Verronicha Crysty, Syarifuddin, Anggi Tias Pratama ,Developing Ecology and Environment Learning Materials of Scientific Literacy Skills and Local Potencial for Indonesia Students International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(7) : 84-93.


Indonesian students' scientific literacy skill is still low. It caused by the availability of scientific literacy learning material and textbook are limited and also rare developed based on local potencial, especially for ecology and environment topics. The research aimed to develop a learning material on ecology and environment topics based on scientific literacy and local potential of North Sumatera-Indonesia which is feasible empirically. The feasibility of learning material is obtained through the validation by scientific literacycontent experts, design expert, assessment from biology teacher and students responses. Borg and Gall model was used in this research. However, this study is solely limited to preliminary field testing. Data validation was analyzed descriptively qualitative. The research result showed that according to scientific literacy-content experts, the feasibility of learning material was very feasible, in which the feasibility based on science as a body of knowledge has an average score 93.75%, whereas science as a way of investigation 87.50%, science as a way of thinking 95.31% and for interaction of science technology and society (STS) 92.50%. The feasibility of learning material's design corresponded to the design expert was very feasible with 91.43% as well. Result of biology teacher assessment on learning material was 93.75% (very feasible). Students' response to the preliminary field individual testing was 80.35% (feasible), small group trial 84.52% (very feasible) and large scale group 91.38% (very feasible).

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