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International Journal of History and Cultural Studies

International Journal of History and Cultural Studies


ISSN No. (Print) : 2454-7646
ISSN No. (Online) : 2454-7654
Publication Frequency : 4 Issues per Year
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Nature : Print and Online
Language of Publication : English

Accepting Submissions for Volume-11, Issue-1


Welcome to the International Journal of History and Cultural Studies. Our journal stands as a beacon of scholarly excellence, offering a rich array of peer-reviewed articles that delve into the fascinating realms of history and culture. We are dedicated to presenting a diverse range of perspectives, making complex historical and cultural themes accessible and engaging to a wide audience.

Key Highlights:

  • Peer-Reviewed Excellence: Each article we publish undergoes rigorous review, ensuring the highest quality of academic research.
  • Diverse Global Perspectives: Covering topics from ancient civilizations to modern cultural trends, our journal offers comprehensive insights into the human experience.
  • For Everyone: Our content caters to academics, students, and history enthusiasts alike, balancing intellectual depth with readability.

Engage with Our Rich Content:

  • Submit Your Research: Contributions that push the boundaries of historical and cultural understanding are always welcome.
  • Explore Our Archives: Access a wealth of knowledge through our extensive archive of insightful articles.
  • Join Our Community: Engage with a global network of historians and cultural scholars in meaningful discussions.

Your Gateway to Historical and Cultural Discovery:

The International Journal of History and Cultural Studies invites you on a journey through time and culture. Explore our latest publications and be part of a community passionate about understanding our shared history and diverse cultural heritage.