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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 7, 2018, Page No: 137-142

Medieval Fortress of the Lowland Type in Virovitica - Reflection on Archaeological Excavations in the City Park in Virovitica by 2017

Silvija Salajic

Virovitica City Museum, Croatia.

Citation : Silvija Salajic, Medieval Fortress of the Lowland Type in Virovitica - Reflection on Archaeological Excavations in the City Park in Virovitica by 2017 International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(7) : 137-142


Virovitica is a town in the north of Croatia that has a rich history. In the Middle Ages it was the possession of the Hungarian queens. Here King Bela IV wrote an important charter for Zagreb. The Medieval fortress of the lowland type in Virovitica is located in the center of the town. Here King Bela IV wrote an important charter for Zagreb. The Medieval fortress of the lowland type in Virovitica is located in the center of the town.

In the 19th century it was destroyed and in its place Pejacevic Count built a castle. During the rebuilding of the city park, archaeological excavations of the tower base, the west entrance and the bridge pilot began. The text shows the results of probing excavations. They will eventually lead to a systematic excavation within the castle reconstruction.

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