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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 6, 2017, Page No: 91-94

Dynamic of Tea Production in Dibrugarh District of Assam

Mridu pavan chintey

Research scholar, Dibrugarh University, Dept of Economics.

Citation :Mridu pavan chintey, Dynamic of Tea Production in Dibrugarh District of Assam International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(6) : 91-94


The focus of the study was on the dynamic of tea production in Dibrugarh district of Assam. Secondary data were collected from tea statistic and other sources for the study. The growth in area, production and productivity of tea in the state of Assam as well as district Dibrugarh was positive and significant indicating scope for its further development in future.
In case of future projection of demand and supply of tea in Dibrugarh district it is estimated that demand for tea will be increased to 26.67 thousand tones till 2025 while supply projection shows that the estimated supply of tea for Dibrugarh district will increased to 30.18 thousand tones till 2025. Thus the overall balance position indicates that production is likely to be higher than demand, making Dibrugarh a surplus district.

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