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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Dental Science
Volume-3 Issue-3, 2018, Page No: 9-10

A Technique to Perform Custom Tray for Patient with Large Maxillary Arch Size

Victor E. de Souza Batista1*, Lorena Scaioni Silva2, Gustavo Porangaba Miranda2

1.Associate Professor, Department Prosthodontics, Presidente Prudente Dental School, University of Western Sao Paulo - UNOESTE, Presidente Prudente, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2.Undergraduate student, Department Prosthodontics, Presidente Prudente Dental School, University of Western Sao Paulo - UNOESTE, Presidente Prudente, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Citation : Victor E. de Souza Batista, Lorena Scaioni Silva, Gustavo Porangaba Miranda, "A Technique to Perform Custom Tray for Patient with Large Maxillary Arch Size" ARC Journal of Dental Science 2018 : 3(3):9-10.

Copyright : © 2018 Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The arch size is a factor that it may difficult the preliminary impression. In patient with large maxillary arch size, the use of stock tray does not allow an appropriated impression of the tuberosity area, consequently, it may difficult the fabrication of an adequate custom tray. In the technique described, the custom tray is performed by an impression of the internal area of the complete denture with adequate extension border in order to make a definitive impression of patient with large maxillary arch size.

Keywords: Dental Impression Technique; Denture, Complete,Dental Science

1. Introduction

One of the most import factors for the success of the complete denture is the precision of the final cast performed by an adequate impression technique[1]. Traditionally, a preliminary impression with a stock tray is performed to obtain a preliminary cast. Subsequently, a custom tray is performed, by using of the preliminary cast, to perform the definitive impression[2].

The arch size is a factor that it may difficult the preliminary impression. In patient with large maxillary arch size, the use of stock tray does not allow an appropriated impression of the tuberosity area, consequently, it may difficult the fabrication of an adequate custom tray.

In the technique described, the custom tray is performed by an impression of the internal area of the complete denture with adequate extension border in order to make a definitive impression of patient with large maxillary arch size.

2. Procedure

1. Use a condensation- type silicone putty with high hardness and good mechanical properties (Zetalabor, Zhermack Spa) to make the impression of the internal area of the complete denture (Figures. 1 and 2).

2. Access the silicone model after the polymerization (Figure 3).

3. Make the custom tray in this silicon model (Figure 4) according to the technique preestablished (mucostatic impression technique, functional impression technique or semi- functional impression technique)[2].

4. Make the definitive impression (figure 5).



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  2. Tripathi A, Singh SV, Aggarwal H, Gupta A. J Effect of mucostatic and selective pressure impression techniques on residual ridge resorption in individuals with different bone mineral densities: A prospective clinical pilot study. Prosthet Dent 2018. Jul 10. pii: S0022- 3913(18)30225-7. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent. 2018.02.016. [Epub ahead of print]