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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine

Volume-9 Issue-1

Physical Activity is an Imperative for Good Health
Sinisa Franjic
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How the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted the Way that Pediatric Patients are Admitted in an Emergency Department
Ines Silva Costa, Joao Sousa Marques, Catarina Tavares, Sofia Reis, Ligia M. Ferreira, Cristina Baptista
Download | Page No : 7-9

Bridging the Gap: The Crucial Role of Collaboration between Modern and Holistic Healthcare Professionals
Dr.Devin Smith, Rebecca Derreberry, BSN, RN, HNB-BC
Download | Page No : 10-15

Effectiveness of Diphoterine in Preventing Ocular Alkali Burns damages in Workers in a Brazilian Alumina Refinery
Roberta Jansen de Mello Farias, MD, PhD, Jorge Luis Duailibe, MD, Isaac Ebano Figueiredo da Luz, MD
Download | Page No : 16-20