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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Volume-1 Issue-3, 2015

Quantitative Assessment of Helminthiasis Despite Anthelmintic Chemoprophylaxis and Assessment of Contributing Factors in School Children
Dr. Ms.Princy Louis Palatty, Ms.Anu Liz Peter, Ms. Rojin T S, Dr. Ms.Rekha B, Ibel Chiramel Fredy

An Interprofessional Study of the Effect of Music as a Non-Pharmacological Intervention on the ABC's (Affect-Behavior-Cognition) of Older Adults with Mild or Moderate Dementia
Dane L. Shiltz PharmD, Tara T. Lineweaver PhD, Tim Brimmer DA, Donald Hay MD, John Plewes MD, Penny Dimmick DA, Ryan T. Kinnavy PharmD Ryan E. Medas PharmD