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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Pediatrics

ARC Journal of Pediatrics


ISSN No. (Online) : 2455-5711
Submit Paper at : [email protected]
Language of Publication : English

Accepting Submissions for Volume-10, Issue-1


ARC Journal of Pediatrics is an open access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary, scholarly Journal that concentrates on the branch of prescription that arrangements with the therapeutic consideration of newborn children, kids, and teenagers. It covers all the major branches of pediatrics, for example, pediatric cardiology, pediatric, hematology & oncology, pediatric gastroenterology etc from the conception to 18 years old. It is wide branch of medicine that is concerned to child well being to the progressions happening in the Adolescents. This journal gives the engaged research in the field of Pediatrics and Child well being to emphasize the therapeutic issues brought up in them.

ARC Journal of Pediatrics underpins the experimental development and evolution in pediatrics, for example, pediatric cardiology, pediatric, hematology & oncology, pediatric gastroenterology research group by expanding access to companion checked on investigative writing.

The Journal convinces mixed bag of article sorts, for example, Original Submissions, Reviews, Mini Reviews, Case Reports, Clinical Images, Short Communications, Perspectives and Editorials.