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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Sports and Physical Education
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2018, Page No: 37-42

Influence of Facilities and Equipment on Female Teachers'
Management of Competitive Sports in Secondary Schools
in Taita Taveta County

Robert Ndambo Ngeti1, Mugala Hannington Bulinda2*, Bukhala Peter3

1.Taita Taveta University, Department of Sports and Games, Kenya.
2.Department of Physical and Health Education, Kenyatta University, Kenya.
3.Department of Health Promotion and Sports Science, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya.

Citation : Robert Ndambo Ngeti, Mugala Hannington Bulinda, Bukhala Peter, Influence of Facilities and Equipment on Female Teachers' Management of Competitive Sports in Secondary Schools in Taita Taveta County International Journal of Sports and Physical Education 2018 ,4(4) : 37-42


The purpose of this study was to establish influence of facilities and equipment on female teachers' management of competitive sports in secondary schools in Taita Taveta County. Through a cross sectional analytical research design, the study targeting female secondary school teachers in Taita Taveta County hypothesized that adequacy of sports facilities and equipment did not significantly influence female teachers' participation in competitive sports management in Secondary Schools within Taita Taveta County. A researcher designed questionnaire was developed to capture respondents from a sample of 90 respondents from a target population of 175 female teachers. Descriptive statistics and chi square test of independence were used for data analysis through statistical package for social sciences, version 20. Ethical and logistical reviews were considered as per the Kenyan National Council for Science, Technology and Innovation. Findings showed that teachers who participate in sports management consider sports equipment and facilities as important (26.7%) and very important (24.4%), unlike 7.7 % and 15.6% respectively for those who do not participate in sports management. The chi square value of (x2=1.00; df =4; p< 0.262) was not significant, thus rejecting the null hypothesis. The study concluded that availability of sports facilities and equipment is a key factor in determining involvement in management of sports in secondary schools among female teachers. It was recommended that school management need to avail adequate facilities and equipment to attract more female teachers in the management of sports in secondary schools.

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