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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 22-25

Clinical Effect of Kasisadi Taila in the Management of Post Operative Wound of Infected Sebaceous Cyst- A Case Report

Hetal Nakrani1, Dr. T. S. Dudhamal1

1.M.S. 2nd year Scholar, Asso. Prof. & I/C HOD Department of Shalya tantra, Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (IPGT&RA), Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India

Citation : Hetal Nakrani,Dr.T.S.Dudhamal, Clinical Effect of Kasisadi Taila in the Management of Post Operative Wound of Infected Sebaceous Cyst- A Case Report International Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products 2018 ,4(1) : 22-25


Vrana is defined as discontinuation of tissues. Any injury leads to destruction of more than one epithelium requires suitable medicament for formation of new tissue i.e. the granulation tissue, which progressively gets transformed into a mature fibrous scar. Though wounds including surgical wounds with or without tissue loss heal by basic biological process but proper topical application makes a favorable atmosphere for early healing. Under the context of wound management, Kasisadi Taila has been recommended by Ayurveda to manage to all types of Vrana. A 50 years old female patient admitted in Shalya female ward with complaints of swelling at right gluteal region since last 7 months. The pain in right gluteal region was initiated since one week so she consulted to hospital. She was operated for similar problem before one year. Local examination reveals the big spherical swelling at right upper quadrant of gluteal region; approximately of size 8cm x 7cm, non movable with presence of tenderness was noted. The case was provisionally diagnosed as infected sebaceous cyst. Ultrasound report also revealed the case as sebaceous cyst. She was posted for surgery and whole cyst was excised under spinal anesthesia. The base tissue was calcified, the wound was not closed and planned to use Kasisadi Taila application locally in routine dressing to promote secondary healing she was treated successfully with local application of Kasisadi taila. Triphala guggulu 1gm three times a day was given orally with luke warm water for initial one month. The relief in signs and symptoms were assessed by weekly interval on scoring pattern. The wound was healed smoothly within two and half month without any signs of infection. The case study highlighted that secondary healing in a Shuddha Vrana (post operative wound) can be easily managed by local application of Kasisadi Taila.

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