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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research

Volume-5 Issue-5, 2017

An Investigation into the Factors that Impact Successful Implementation of the Department of Higher Education and Training Skills Development at a College
Sello Tlabakwe, Dr.Roger Govender

Macroeconomic Variables and the Performance of the Nigerian Capital Market
Harcourt, Edwin Ejikeme

Zarqa University Interesting in Quality of its Services Provided to the Local Community from the Perspective of their Employees
Dr.Majid Abdul-Mahdi Mesaadah

Cheating: Reneging, Corrupting and Looting
Jan-Erik Lane

Positive Word of Mouth and Profitability: The Experience of Banks in Port Harcourt - Nigeria
Bright ZorBari-Nwitambu, M.Sc.

Mexican Beef Industry Cluster Model for Increased Competitiveness
Antonio Emmanuel Perez Brito, Martha Isabel Bojorquez Zapata