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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Page No: 97-104

Investigating Time-in-Market Effects in Kuwait Health Clubs

Larry P. Pleshko1, Ahmed A. Ahmed2, Awad Al-Zufairi3

1Professor of Marketing ,College of Business Administration ,Kuwait University,Kuwai
2College of Business Administration, Gulf University for Science & Technology,Kuwai
3Associate Professor of Management, College of Business Administration, Kuwait University,Kuwai

Citation :Larry P. Pleshko, Ahmed A. Ahmed, Awad Al-Zufairi, Investigating Time-in-Market Effects in Kuwait Health Clubs International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(11): 97-104.


The authors study the time-in-market phenomenon among Kuwait health clubs by looking at market shares in relation to the time since entering the market. Data were collected from thirty-one health club brands with sixty-one locations throughout the country. The evidence does not support a time-in-market effect on market share. Neither simple correlations nor the interactions of time with type of health club resulted in an effect. Additionally, analyzing time-in-market group mean differences (50-50 split, 75-25 split, 90-10 split) also provided no support for an effect. Therefore, market entry timing (a pioneering effect) is not important in this setting. It may be that, in this type of service, novelty, or the marketing efforts of newer competitors, or the results of continued efforts regarding elements of the marketing mi, outweigh any advantage gained by first movers.

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