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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Forestry and Horticulture

Volume-10 Issue-1

An Assessment of the Biodiversity Status of Wetland Woody Flora in Bamenda III Sub Division, North West Region, Cameroon
Carine Ngwitoh Tanwie, Titus Fondo Ambebe, Grace Anjah Mendi
Download | Page No : 1-7

Ilex Paraguariensis Soil Sustainability Forestry Indicators in the Era of Biodiversity: A Case Study
Fasano M. C, Castrillo M. L, Goicochea M, Barengo N, Zapata P. D, Bich G. A
Download | Page No : 8-13

Rediscovering Fungal Biocontrol Agents in Forestry for Sustainable Pest Management in the North of Argentina
Bich G. A, Barengo N, Amerio N, Duarte F, Zapata P. D, Castrillo M. L
Download | Page No : 14-19