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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Sports and Physical Education
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No:47-57

Analysis of Offensive Technical Actions on Different Playing Surfaces in 5v5, 7v7 and 9v9 Sided Games in Soccer

Jorge Diaz-Cidoncha Garcia1*, Evelia Franco Alvarez2, Alexandre Dellal3

1.Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) / Education and Technical Development Department, Niederdorfstrasse 48. 8001 Zurich. Switzerland.
2.National Institute of Physical Education (INEF), Polytechnic University of Madrid / Sports Department, C/Martin Fierro, 7. 28040 Madrid, Spain.
3.FIFA Medical Excellence Centre, Santy. Orthopedicae clinical, sport science and research department, Lyon, France, 24 Avenue Paul Santy. 69008 Lyon, France.

Citation :Jorge Diaz-Cidoncha Garcia, Evelia Franco Alvarez, Alexandre Dellal, Analysis of Offensive Technical Actions on Different Playing Surfaces in 5v5, 7v7 and 9v9 Sided Games in Soccer International Journal of Sports and Physical Education 2017,3(4) : 47-57.


There are a large number of variables that influence the development of technical actions in soccer. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyse the effects of the surface (grass, turf or dirt) on teams' and players' performances from a technical perspective. Fifty-four games in three different formats (5v5, 7v7 and 9v9) divided into two age groups (U-9 and U-14) at three Spanish soccer clubs were filmed and analysed. This study used the observational and descriptive method and was carried out by systematic direct observation, considering different types of behaviour within a set of defined technical offensive variables. Results showed that there were significant differences, and grass pitches generated more attacks (shots per minute: 0.69; touches per game: 258), while turf and dirt pitches generated less offensive play (shots per minute: 0.49 for turf / 0.30 for dirt; touches per game: 224 for turf / 252 for dirt).Conclusion: the data revealed that the characteristics of the playing surface have a strong influence on the development of the players' technical performance.

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