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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Sports and Physical Education
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 22-31

Analysis of Factors Influencing the College Choice Decisions of NCAA Division II Elite Track and Field Athletes

Jon Lim 1, Lisa Paulson 2, Bryan Romsa 3, Hal J. Walker 4, Katelyn Romsa 5

1Associate Professor, Sport Management Graduate and Undergraduate Programs Minnesota State University, Mankato
2Career Education Corporation
3 South Dakota State University
4 Elon University
5 South Dakota State University

Citation :Jon Lim, Analysis of Factors Influencing the College Choice Decisions of NCAA Division II Elite Track and Field Athletes International Journal of Sports and Physical Education,2017;3(2):22-31.


The student-athlete college selection process is a major decision impacting their future academic and athletic success. A better understanding of factors influencing this selection process will aid intercollegiate athletic programs in recruiting and retaining the highest caliber athletes possible. This study examined the factors influencing the college choice decisions of NCAA Division II elite track and field athletes across the United States. The participants were 320 athletes who represented 78 NCAA Division II institutions located in eight regions across the United States. This article discusses the most important factors involved in the college selection process of NCAA Division II elite track and field athletes. Practitioners may use this information to effectively shape their recruiting and marketing practices.

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