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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Sports and Physical Education
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 18-21

The Influence of Cheerleading Exercises on the Development of Power Qualities of Intermediate Grade Schoolgirls

Dr. RidaTrad, Dr. MazenMroueh

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pedagogy, Lebanese University

Citation:Dr. RidaTrad, Dr. MazenMroueh, The Influence of Cheerleading Exercises on the Development of Power Qualities of Intermediate Grade Schoolgirls International Journal of Sports and Physical Education,2017;3(2):18-21


The indexes of the development of power qualities and the influence of cheerleading exercises on their development for the middle grade schoolgirls are given in the article. The development level of power qualities was determined using the test results: body lifting to seated position from the initial position "lying flat on back", three jumps on one foot moving forward, pulling up on the lower crossbar. According to the results,this study has proved the positive influence of cheerleading exercises on the development level of power qualities of the 8th and 9th grades schoolgirls; therefore, physical training teachers can promote the cheerleading exercises in the educational process

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