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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Sports and Physical Education
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017, Page No: 7-13

Effects of a Programmed Corrective Training on Postural Disorders in Lumbar and Thoracic Region

Zoran Bogdanovic1, FahrudinMavric1, Adem Mavric2

1.State University of Novi Pazar, Department for Biomedical sciences, Novi Pazar, Serbia
2.PhD student at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Nis, Serbia

Citation :Zoran Bogdanovic, FahrudinMavric, Adem Mavric, Effects of a Programmed Corrective Training on Postural Disorders in Lumbar and Thoracic Region International Journal of Sports and Physical Education,2017;3(1):7-13.


The purpose of this research is to understand the influence of applied corrective gymnastic on the disturbances in the sagittal plane (kyphosis and lordosis), in a period of one school year, in population of primary school age in classes of regular physical education. The research was conducted in Serbia, on the territory of Novi Pazar, participants were age 12±6 months, height 147,25 cm (SD±6,71) and weight of 38.90 kg (SD±7.37). Primary school students were examined (194 males and 128 females).Using Spinal Mouse, kifotic and lordotic bad posture was assessed, and the variables used for the assessment of morphological space were: body height, body weight, chest circumference, shoulder width, pelvis width, abdominal skinfold and back skinfold. Descriptive statistics were used for the purpose of this study, and central and dispersion parameters of morphological and postural variables were calculated. Using one-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) of repeated measurements, the effects of programmed corrective exercises were determined. The results showed that in investigated population the improvement of the position of the spinal column has occurred. Significant influence of period of practice was found in both cases. In KIF Vilksov lambda = 0.11, F=508.99, p < 0.0005, multivariate partial eta squared = 0.84. In LORD Vilksov lambda f = 0.15, F = 476.80, p < 0.0005, multivariate partial eta squared = 0.88. Based on the given Eta Squared values, it is identified that the impact of the practice on the treated postural disorders (KIF and LORD) is very large.

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