Mathematical Predictions of Neuropathic Diabetes from Unit Level Data
P.Sankar1,T.Subhramaniyan2,J.Jayanthi3,M.G. Ragunathan4
Citation :P.Sankar,, Mathematical Predictions of Neuropathic Diabetes from Unit Level Data International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research 2017,5(5) : 21-30
The purpose of this study is to examine the factors which determines the neuropathic diabetes. The study considered family background, smoking, alcoholic habits and pattern of exercise influence of neuropathic diabetes. The study adopted association test, mean difference test to make inference about the pattern of relationship existing between the factors under analysis. The study clearly depicts that gender is unbiased factor in terms of having diabetes. There is a strong association between diabetic nature and family background, habits and pattern of exercises. The study concludes that age, food habits and regular exercise are important factors which inhibits the diabetes.