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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Page No: 30-40

Awareness and Attitude to Correct English Pronunciation at Higher Secondary Level in Bangladesh

Md. Khurshedul Alam1*, K.M. Jubair Uddin2

1.Lecturer in English, Faculty of Science, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
2.Lecturer in English, Faculty of Biological Science, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Citation : Md. Khurshedul Alam, K.M. Jubair Uddin, Awareness and Attitude to Correct English Pronunciation at Higher Secondary Level in Bangladesh International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2019, 7(3) : 30-40.


Language dies between two lips because of faulty pronunciation. English is famous for its world wide use but notorious for its pronunciation. In the new era of 21st century, awareness of correct English pronunciation is essentially essential in the context of Bangladesh. English pronunciation seems to enjoy little or no room in the practice and policy in Bangladesh. Nowadays anyone unable to speak correct English faces enormous social, personal, and economic limitations in today's fast, complex, information-flooded world. This study, therefore, aims at exploring the levels of awareness and attitude to correct English pronunciation of higher secondary learners of Bangladesh and to show whether the learners' attitude to pronunciation skill is positive or negative and whether their awareness is very low or high. On top of that, the present study centres on the point to find out whether students at college level know correct pronunciation and whether they encounter problems in English pronunciation. The study also aims to reveal whether the learners are conscious or not of the pronunciation errors they make with regard to the utterance of certain sounds and stress placement in English language. Finally, this study intends to help the learners to become aware, to make them speak correct English, to make them acceptable globally and eventually to use their positive attitude in acquiring and solving English pronunciation problems.

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