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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Page No: 1-9

Teachers' Perceptions towards Pedagogical Implications of Code Switching: Saudi EFL Classroom Context in Focus

Abdulghani Mahdi, Mansoor S. Almalki

English Language Centre, Deanship of Supportive Studies, Taif University, Saudi Arabia.

Citation : Abdulghani Mahdi, Mansoor S. Almalki, Teachers' Perceptions towards Pedagogical Implications of Code Switching: Saudi EFL Classroom Context in Focus International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2019, 7(3) : 1-9.


This study investigates the perceptions of Saudi EFL learners towards the use of code switching inside the classroom. Using Sert's (2005) classification of code switching as the theoretical underpinning for the study, the research aims of analyze the related functions used by the teachers. Keeping in view the fact that the use of first language during the teaching of English inside the classroom is a pertinent as well as quite a widespread phenomenon, the study uses a detailed questionnaire to collect the data. This questionnaire contains both open and close-ended questions that are mainly based on the two research questions of the study. Although the prevailing perception towards code switching was negative, the results demonstrate that EFL teachers use code switching for various functions. The findings of the study indicate that the majority of the participants use code switching to assist low-level learners and to facilitate different language tasks. Most of the oft-used functions are noticed to be for the students' needs.

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