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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 30-42

English and European Languages are Arabic Dialects on the Loose: The Evidence: "The Emperor Marries Mary Merrily on a Mare by the Mere": A Consonantal Radical Theory Approach

Zaidan Ali Jassem

Department of English Language and Translation, Qassim University, KSA.

Citation : Zaidan Ali Jassem, English and European Languages are Arabic Dialects on the Loose: The Evidence: "The Emperor Marries Mary Merrily on a Mare by the Mere": A Consonantal Radical Theory Approach International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2019, 7(1) : 30-42


This paper sets out to establish the status of English, German, French, Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit as Arabic dialects. In particular, it examines a number of words (36) with the common consonantal radicals or roots m(p)--r in words like imperial and its derivatives such as emperor, empire, imperial, imperative, and formally similar but semantically different words like marry, merry, Murray (Moray), mare, mayor, mar, mere, merely, marine, more, mirror, admire, moor from a consonantal radical or lexical root theory perspective. The data consists of around 30 such words, making up the title sentence above and many others. The results clearly show that all such related words have true Arabic cognates, with the same or similar forms (i.e., m---r ( and meanings whose different forms, however, are all found to be due to natural and plausible causes and different courses of linguistic change. Furthermore, they exhibit the failure of English and European historical lexicography and linguistics in manifesting the close genetic relationships between Arabic and such languages. As a consequence, the results indicate, contrary to traditionally longheld Comparative Method and Family-Tree Model claims, that Arabic, English, and all the so-called IndoEuropean languages belong to the same language, let alone the same family. Therefore, they prove the adequacy of the consonantal radical theory in relating Indo-European languages to Arabic as their origin all because, unlike any other language in the group, it shares really living, not fictitious, cognates with all of them.

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