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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Page No: 40-48

Acronyms in Persian Economic, Commercial and Medical Journals

Fatemeh Yazdani1*, Dr. Foroogh Kazemi2

1.M. A of Linguistics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2.Associate Professor of Linguistics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

Citation : Fatemeh Yazdani, Dr. Foroogh Kazemi, Acronyms in Persian Economic, Commercial and Medical Journals International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2018, 6(12) : 40-48.


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the condition of acronym usage and its application in various Persian journals, including economic, commercial and medical journals. Therefore, we are seeking to answer what kind of acronyms can be found in the journals of Economics Pulse, Health and the Tomorrow Trade weekly magazine? How are acronyms used in the mentioned journals? These studies have been carried out according to the classification of types of acronyms in Persian language by Shaghaghi (2011). The results of the research show that all types of acronyms, including the first letters of several words, the first letters of the foreign name of the organization or the institution, the first letters of the foreign name translation, and the combination of letters and syllables, can be seen in the whole corpus, but the quadruple applications were not necessarily found in all journals. After reviewing all the journals, the first type of acronym was found in 4 cases with repeat frequency 11, the second type was found in 12 cases with repeat frequency 92, the third type was found in 1 item with repeat frequency 1, the fourth type was found in 4 cases with repeat frequency 157. Regarding the frequency of occurrence, the highest rate of acronyms' application was 172 cases in the economic texts (Economics Pulse magazines), then 88 cases in commercial texts (Tomorrow Trade magazines) and at the end, 1 case in the medical journal (Health magazines). It seems that, the difference in acronym's application can be due to the type of text genre. Because there is a significant difference in the acronyms' application in economic and commercial texts, and at the end in the medical texts. The findings show that the speakers and authors of the journals prefer using short and abbreviated forms to long forms.

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