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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Page No: 4-13

Arabic Language and Computational Linguistics

Dr.Abdelhakeem Tawfeeq Issa, Dr.Ahmed Gumma Siddiek

1.Department of Computer Sciences, Community College, Shaqra University-KSA.
2.Former Head/Dept.of English, Al-Zaeem Al-Azhari University -Sudan College of Science &n Humanities-Dawadai, Shaqra University - KSA

Citation : Dr.Abdelhakeem Tawfeeq Issa, Dr.Ahmed Gumma Siddiek, Arabic Language and Computational Linguistics International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2018, 6(11) : 4-13


Arabic Language is lagging behind in the digital sphere. Many people believe that the problem is within the nature of Arabic in terms of letters and script. Some others hold different viewpoints; as they believe that many other languages such as Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Hebrew have advanced Arabic in term of the digital content and made stronger presence of content on the Internet. There are many factors that should be investigated in order to determine the causes of weakness of the Arabic content on the Internet. Lack of scientific research in technical fields and the inability to produce and store knowledge by Arab information research centres may be the main factors behind this phenomenon that reflects the gap and poor digital content on the internet. Arabic is the fourth largest language in the world today, with more than 185 million users and it comes immediately after English, Chinese and Spanish. This is good news for Arabic supporters but great efforts are needed to close the digital gap of Arabic in the digital cyberspace.

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