A Study of Tourist Police Translation Problems, Translation Needs and Cognitive Fitness
Hussam A. Qaddomi
Citation :Hussam A. Qaddomi, A Study of Tourist Police Translation Problems, Translation Needs and Cognitive Fitness International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2017,5(8) : 24-29
This study aimed at identifying the Palestinian tourist police translation problems, translation needs and tourist police cognitive fitness in their workplace. The sample of the study consisted of 69 tourist police officers who serve in different workplaces in Palestine. The researcher administered a five point Likert scale questionnaire to the tourist police serving in different tourists sites in Palestine. Findings revealed that translation problems due to the linguistic competence were ranked as high. In addition, non-linguistic translation problems that were ranked by tourist police serving in their workplace were moderate. Moreover, their cognitive fitness skills that might enable them to deal with daily events were moderate. The study also showed that translation needs from the source language into English and vice versa were important as perceived by tourist police officers.