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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Page No: 50-52

Shattered Dreams, Exploited Childhood, Tormented Sexuality and Inescapable Caste and Class in Arundhati's the God of Small Things

Shama Bee, Mohd. Jamshed

Research Scholar (Ph.D), Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University, UP

Copyright : Shama Bee, Mohd.Jamshed, Shattered Dreams, Exploited Childhood, Tormented Sexuality and Inescapable Caste and Class in Arundhati's the God of Small Things International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature


Present Paper explores the issues, like caste, class, power, sexuality, and the position of women in The God of Small Things. Arundahti Roy as a social and political activist focuses on the contemporary and the current burning issues of India such as Indian politics, problem of untouchability, marginalization of the lower caste people, and sexual exploitation of the women of lower classes as well as the subjugation of women in general, brutality of the police, exploitation and oppression of the powerless by the powerful in post-colonial India. Roy also raises voice against the patriarchal and male oriented Indian society that always oppresses women sexuality, not allowing them to express their sexual liberty. Ammu is the worst victim of this patriarchal domination and rigid caste system who has to lose her life after her transgressive act of having the love affair and physical relation with an untouchable Pravan, Velutha. Roy also highlights the hierarchal power structure of Indian society which is based on caste system that generates a kind of binary oppositions: touchable/ untouchable, oppressor/oppressed, and Syrian/ Paravan.

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