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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Page No: 68-81

Culture, Classicism, Community and Human Relations in Contemporary Arabic Fiction

Rashad Mohammed Moqbel Al Areqi

Associate Prof. of English literature, Head of English Department, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Al Mandaq Albaha University, Saudi Arabia.

Citation :Rashad Mohammed Moqbel Al Areqi, Culture, Classicism, Community and Human Relations in Contemporary Arabic Fiction International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2017,5(12) : 68-81


Cultural and religious values are the main elements that determine the social behavior and human relationships in the community. Such cultural and religious values are responsible for a person's look at himself and others. Cultural and religious values put people in good or bad mould due to their attitude towards such values, whether positive or negative. When people are permeated with cultural and Islamic values that are marked with tolerance and coexistence, love, and mutual respect, community behaves in relevance with such concepts learned from their culture and religion, however, some persons ignore their cultural and Islamic values to fulfill their own earthly interests. This article is an attempt to go through some selected concepts/values and their relationship with each other and how such concepts/values establish human relationships. This article focuses on a significant literary work written by Ala Al Swani, Yaqoubian Building (2002), the best selling Arabic novel for the two years: 2002-2003. Yaqoubian Building penetrates deeply into cultural, social, political, sexual and religious relationships argued in the narrative of contemporary Egypt. How do people establish their relationships with others? This article found most relationships are controlled by self interest, be it business, social, religious, political, sexual, homosexual, etc. Cultural and Islamic values of Yaqoubian Building community are replaced by self or at best mutual interests. They are neglected by adhering to the materialistic culture of the west and self/mutual interests. Therefore, the indigenous/Islamic identity becomes stamped by the hybrid and globalized culture that may not pay much attention to the cultural and Islamic values in human relationships, even the closer relationships involved with the family members and friends fall apart in a community that recognizes only its own interests and believes in materialistic life of the west. Most relationships of Yaqoubian Building inhabitants showed selfishness of the higher class to make use of the lower class socially, politically, sexually, homosexually and religiously, simultaneously, the higher class showed no respect for the poor or regret for their sins.

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