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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Page No: 28-37

Kosen-Rufu Gleaned in the Selected Works of President Daisaku Ikeda

Maria Luisa A. Valdez

Batangas State University, Philippines.

Citation : Maria Luisa A. Valdez , Kosen-Rufu Gleaned in the Selected Works of President Daisaku IkedaInternational Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2017,5(11) : 28-37.


The future of today's world is a vision seemingly overshadowed by terror, political unrest, racial and class disparity, conflicting religious beliefs, pollution, disease, socio-economic inequality disputes, and widespread poverty. No nation is without any of the aforementioned problems and the global situation seems to worsen every minute. Thus, this study offered an analysis of kosen-rufu as a manifested core concept in President Daisaku Ikeda's selected works giving emphasis to the insights that promote ideal values that are essential to humankind's happiness. In the same light, the researcher presented the historic beginnings of kosen-rufu and its manifestations in the fields of peace, humanitarian aid, as well as educational and cultural exchange. Findings of the analysis revealed that kosen-rufu as a flourishing concept of world peace through individual happiness started off under the light of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhist teachings and the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra; Kosen-rufu is immensely responsible for the sustenance of all efforts pertaining to the fields of peace, humanitarian aid and in educational and cultural exchange; and with emphasis to Ikeda's message that essentially heralds the individual's capacity to pursue the inner revolution necessary for a greater revolution of humanity, one can never disregard the importance of considering kosen-rufu as an integral and formidable step toward peace, harmony and the happiness of everyone.

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