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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2018, Page No: 45-52

Measuring ROI: A Work-Life Balance Meeting ABC Hotel Co., Central Vietnam

Pham Le Hong Nhung1, Bradley S. Brennan2*

1Graduate Student Kyunghee University, South Korea.
2Assistant Professor Inha University School of Business, South Korea.

Citation : Pham Le Hong Nhung, Bradley S. Brennan, Measuring ROI: A Work-Life Balance Meeting ABC Hotel Co., Central VietnamInternational Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality 2018, 4(4) : 45-52.


This case study elucidates the methodology for evaluating the full Return on Investment (ROI) evaluation from level 1 to level 5. A focus group, a pre-meeting survey, a post-meeting survey, and a follow up survey were conducted. Evaluation mix techniques were used to convert the tangible and intangible meeting benefits to a monetary value. The results of the ROI evaluation helped the company to improve and implement new work-life balance programs efficiently. The results also helped the work-life balance meeting planners create meetings that satisfy the needs and desires of stakeholders and attendees. This theoretical case study suggests the mix techniques could be applied in the future for measuring the full ROI of a work-life balance meetings. Other companies can also utilize the application of the ROI evaluation mix techniques for evaluating work-life balance programs in the future.

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