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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 33-34

Book Review 'Negeri Sembilan Dahulu Dan Sekarang' (Malay Version) Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Muzium Malaysia, 1990. 241 Pp

Uqbah Iqbal

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Citation : Uqbah Iqbal, Book Review 'Negeri Sembilan Dahulu Dan Sekarang' (Malay Version) Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Muzium Malaysia, 1990. 241 Pp International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality 2018, 4(3) : 33-34


Edited by Norazit Selat, this monograph was divided into nine parts. The first part discusses the historical aspects. Prof Khoo Kay Kim has talked about the origin of the name of Negeri Sembilan itself. This is an important contribution because many people do not know that the Negeri Sembilan exists as a political but what are the names of states that have formed the original Negeri Sembilan. Abdullah Zakaria had talked about the customary conflicts that occurred in the Ujong River which showed that although the custom is complete and organized but as long as the human is human, there will also be a dispute. The proud values of the proud are no longer counted. The second part also discusses the ideological or ideological aspects of Perpatih Adat. Norazit Selat tries to link the values found in the Perpatih Adat with self-development and country. This is an effort to highlight the positive aspects found in the Perpatih Adat for the good of all. Durrishah Idrus discusses the relationship between the Perpatih Adat with Islam. He argued that there was no deep contradiction between the Perpatih and Islam Tradition; both are interconnected and complement each other.

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