Gastro-intestinal Parasites in Goat (Capra hircus) of Puranchaur VDC, Pokhara
Radha Purja, Mahendra Maharjan
Citation :Radha Purja, Mahendra Maharjan,Gastro-intestinal Parasites in Goat (Capra hircus) of Puranchaur VDC, Pokhara International Journal of Research Studies in Zoology 2017,3(4): 39-45.
The present study was conducted to assess the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of goat. A total of 220 fecal samples were collected of which 110 in summer and 110 in winter from Puranchaur VDC of Pokhara and examined by direct smear and flotation technique. The samples were collected in the month of January/February and June/July. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 100 farmers randomly regarding goat diseases and use of anthelmintics. Prevalence of protozoan and helminth were found to be 100% in goat. Altogether 13 genera of gastrointestnal parasites were found in the present study among the porotozoan, sporozoan (89.54%) showed higher prevalence followed by sarcodina (31.81%). Among helminth parasites, two were trematodes Fasciola sp. (8.18%) and Paramphistomum sp. (4.09%), 2 were cestodes Taenia sp. (4.09%) and Moniezia sp.(18.18%) and seven were nematode in which Toxocara sp. (68.18%) showed the highest prevalence followed by Bunostomum sp. (35%), Oxyuris sp. (30.45%), Trichuris sp. (12.27%), Strongyloides sp. (7.27%), Trichostrongyloid sp. (5.45%), Nematodirus sp. (4.54%). During the study different type of parasitic infections were encountered in goats. Multiple infection was observed in 202 (91.81%) samples and single infection in 18 (8.18%) samples. Statistically there was no significant difference in the seasonal prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites during two seasons in goats. Most of the farmers were not aware of the gastrointestinal parasitic diseases. There should be awareness programme for farmers to enhance the goat farming and increase productivity.