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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Zoology
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2017, Page No: 23-32

Relation among Food Habit, Morbidity and Mortality

M Ashraful Kabir

Department of Biology, Saidpur Cantonment Public College, Nilphamari, Bangladesh.

Citation :M Ashraful Kabir, Relation among Food Habit, Morbidity and MortalityInternational Journal of Research Studies in Zoology 2017,3(3) : 23-32.


Human ancestor noticed that once a time human had very long digestive system which leads to digest vegetables. That time hunting was so complicated that people didn't get meat. Plant cultivation was easy so they took mainly plants as their regular food. For the time being people was known about food and nutrition. At present lot of research are still going in various sections on human health. Several reports suggest that the longevity of vegetarians is 3.6 years higher than meat eaters. People may live smoothly without taking any animals with higher lifespan (Table 2 and 6). Peoples take meat only for their prehistoric practice. Moreover, we can't get taste of fat but most people like to take meat. Some study suggests that only for vitamin B12 we must take animal. But recently we have found this vitamin in coconut milk, almond milk, Chlorella, microorganism and soy products. Animals which are in more sleep not live longer (Table 7). From all research this is clear that there is a relation between food habit and mortality in human or other animals.

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