Intellectualism and Interesting Facts on Baboons (Papio anubis Les.; Family: Cercopithecidae) (the olive baboons) in Yankari Game Reserve, Bauchi, Nigeria
Ukwubile Cletus Anes
Citation :Ukwubile Cletus Anes, Intellectualism and Interesting Facts on Baboons (Papio anubis Les.; Family: Cercopithecidae) (the olive baboons) in Yankari Game Reserve, Bauchi, Nigeria International Journal of Research Studies in Zoology 2017,3(2) : 51-55.
Baboons are the type of monkey that are found in African forests and the Arabians. There are five species of baboons worldwide which are distributed in different habitats such as tropical rainforests, savannas, open woodlands and semi-arid areas. A close observation made on baboons at the Yankari Game Reserve(YGR), showed that they feed on various foods which are the reason they are known as pests as well asthey are scavengers on elephant's dung. Apart from poaching activity by humans, baboons at YGR are also threatened by loss of habitat due to regular predatory activity by a lion (Pathera leo) in the reserve on the baboons. Out of the five species, only one species (Papio anubis) are found in the large population at the Yankari Game Reserve. This increase in the population of the olive baboons at the YGR has become a source of concern to tourists and researchers who visit the reserve. Due to frequent visits by people to the reserve, the baboons has developed a high level of intellectualism as well as tricks to overcome the dominance by humans encroaching their habitat. Some of these behaviours are groupings, pretence, and acrobatics. The study showed that baboons at YGR developed these level of intellectualism to overcome threats from humans and some carnivores such as lions, to survive during food shortage in the main forests, and to minimize inter-specific competition in the reserve. It is therefore, advised that the increased in population of the olive baboons at YGR should be checked to forestall any ugly incident to visitors to the reserve.