Human Cruelty and Love to Animals
M Ashraful Kabir
Citation : M Ashraful Kabir, Human Cruelty and Love to Animals International Journal of Research Studies in Zoology 2016, 2(2) : 1-8
This paper is based on aquarium fishes (various types 1=2.86%), poultry (field pigeon, fancy pigeon, Eurasian collared dove, deshi fowl, cobb=broiler, ISA brown, domesticated turkey, guineafowl, domestic duck, muscovy duck, goose, Japanese quail (12=34.29%), animal husbandry (deshi cow, BBG=Black Bengal Goat, jamnapari, buffalo, sheep, pig, Bangladeshi horse, Indian horse, Bhutani horse, rabbit, guinea pig, albino rat, deshi dog, foreign dog, deshi cat, foreign cat (16=45.71%), cage birds (macaw, alexandrine parakeet, cockatoo, budgerigar, lovebird, java sparrow (6=17.14%). Higher love was found in (16 animals) aquarium fishes, Eurasian collared dove, domesticated Turkey, guineafowl, muscovy duck, cockatoo, lovebird, budgerigar, macaw, alexandrine parakeet, java sparrow, black bengal goat, jamnapari, foreign dog, deshi cat and foreign cat and cruelty higher in (13 animals) field pigeon, fancy pigeon, deshi fowl, Japanese quail, deshi cow, buffalo, pig, Bangladeshi horse, Indian horse, rabbit, guinea pig, albino rat and deshi dog and finally cruelty and love both were same (6 animals) in cobb fowl, ISA fowl, domestic duck, goose, sheep and Bhutani horse. Out of 35 animals the result suggested that huge cruelty were found in pig (87.5%) and the lowest in foreign dogs and cats (0%). So, huge love on foreign dogs and cats (100%) and lower love on pig (12.5%) (Table 1; Diagram 1). In case of cage birds for talking ability it is reared with huge love but mostly reared in small or medium sized cages which are not fits with animal law. Caponizing in birds and castration in bovine group and horse was common. Torturing on animals in circus was common. Due to get huge meat caponizing in fowls and castration in bovine animals were remarkable. Once upon a time hunting of guest birds in winter season was very common but now due to wildlife act these incidents sudden happen. Though we need to slaughter animals for protein but this is drastically higher than our demand. Sometimes, due to superstitions some animals' especially garden lizards are caught by people and killed.