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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2016, Page No: 26-33

Prevention of Accidents while Drunken Driving

Prof. Sharmila Sengupta1, Kevin Maru1, Neha Mundra1, Prathamesh Dongre1, Purvi Udhwani1

1.Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Mumbai.

Citation : Sharmila Sengupta,, Prevention of Accidents while Drunken Driving International Journal of Research Studies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2016 ,2(3) : 26-33


This paper has been proposed to reduce the probability of accidents of drivers who drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It proposes and effective model for drowsiness detection, and intelligent control or dimming of headlights when sensing a vehicle from the opposite direction. The proposed model shows an accurate algorithm to detect the Eye Map for eye detection, iris and pupil detection, and analysing the state of the eyes to make the drowsy decision. High precision techniques for location of iris, and pupil localisation helps in taking the important decision to ensure safety of the drivers. Intelligent Control of Headlight is implemented using an effective algorithm which uses SVM classifier for tuning the data to get correct detection of light patches from opposite direction. Finally, the paper shows the required connections for mounting a Raspberry Pi, and getting the model into effect, showing the various connections required for installing in a car.

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