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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 6, Issue 3, 2019, Page No: 1-6

Analysis of MPSO-Successive Interference Cancellation Multipath Routing Protocol

Santosh Verma*

M.Tech Scholar Department of CSE TIT, Bhopal, India.

Citation : Santosh Verma, Analysis of MPSO-Successive Interference Cancellation Multipath Routing Protocol International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2019, 6(3) : 1-6.


Wireless Sensor Networks has a greater advantage in today's communication application such as environmental, traffic, military, health monitoring. While considering adhoc network in sensitive areas, one of the important aspect to consider is energy because while transmitting data all communicating nodes exhausts its battery life. For mobile nodes in adhoc scenario one and only one source of energy is battery. As compared to single path multipath routing helps in finding optimal path that requires less energy and enhances the network lifetime. In this research an energy efficient routing protocol is proposed. In routing algorithm, route that have shortest path among multipaths selected by modified particle swarm optimized Successive Interference Cancellation algorithm.

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