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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 34-36

Computational Time of Modi?ed RSA Approach for Encrypting and Decrypting Text using Multi-Power and K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (April 2018)

Dr. Vijay Tiwari1, Kumar Shanu Singh2

1.Computational Time of Modified RSA Approach for Encrypting and Decrypting Text using Multi-Power and K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm Supervisor, India. 2.Fellow Centre for Advanced Studies, India

Citation : Dr. Vijay Tiwari,Kumar Shanu Singh, Computational Time of Modi?ed RSA Approach for Encrypting and Decrypting Text using Multi-Power and K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (April 2018) International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2018, 5(1) : 34-36


The efficiency of the cryptographic algorithm is generally not based on encryption and decryption time, but also depends upon the numbers of levels used to convert plain text to cipher text. RSA is one of the widely used algorithms of the public key cryptosystem. Since every algorithm has some certain limitations. And sometimes it may be not guaranteed that the cipher text can be fully secured. ASCII characters for representation of text are one of such limitations in the past cryptosystem. To overcome the above-mentioned limitation, an innovative algorithm namely modifies RSA was proposed with K-Nearest Neighbor, in which computational time for encryption and decryption was tabulated. This paper chapter presents the literature survey on the result of above-done experiment and tried to find how encryption and decryption time vary.

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