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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2015, Page No: 21-24

Burr Type III Software Reliability with SPC-An Order Statistics Approach

K. Sobhana1, Dr. R. Satya Prasad2

1.Department of Computer Science Krishna University Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh,India.
2.Dept. of Computer Science & Engg Acharya Nagarjuna University Guntur, Andhra Pradesh (India)

Citation : K. Sobhana, Dr. R. Satya Prasad, Burr Type III Software Reliability with SPC-An Order Statistics Approach International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2015, 2(3) : 21-24


In the past few decades research on software reliability has been conducted and several software reliability growth models have been developed for estimating software reliability. Order Statistics is an approach for estimating software reliability for time domain data based on NHPP with a distribution model. This paper presents the Burr Type III model as a software reliability growth model and derives the expressions for an efficient reliability function using order statistics. Statistical Process Control (SPC) can be used to monitor the software reliability process and thereby improve the software quality. Control Charts are one of the powerful SPC tools to analyze the failure frequency. It is proposed that the SPC can be applied to monitor the software failure process of Burr Type III based NHPP.

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