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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2015, Page No: 73-76

A Survey on Architectures of Mobile Operating Systems: Challenges and Issues

Prof. Y. K. Sundara Krishna1, Mr. G K Mohan Devarakonda2

1.HOD, Dept. of Computer Science, Krishna University.
2.Research Scholar, Krishna University.

Citation : Prof. Y. K. Sundara Krishna, Mr. G K Mohan Devarakonda, A Survey on Architectures of Mobile Operating Systems: Challenges and Issues International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2015, 2(3) : 73-76


In the early years of mobile evolution, mobile devices are enabled only with voice services that allow the users to communicate with each other. But now a days, the mobile technology undergone various changes to a great extent so that the devices allows the users not only to communicate but also to attain a variety of services such as video calls, faster browsing services,2d and 3d games, Camera, Banking Services, GPS services, File sharing services, Tracking Services, M-Commerce and so many. The changes in mobile technology may be due to Operating System or Hardware or Network or Memory. This paper presents a survey on evolutions in mobile developments especially on mobile operating system Architectures, challenges and Issues in various mobile operating Systems.

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