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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 6, 2014, Page No: 6-12

Mapping Non Profits with High Impact Interaction for Building Sustainability for Indian Women Artisans through E-commerce and Web-based Recommender Systems

Sakshi Goplani1, Vanita Jeshnani1, Kirti Jaisinghani1

1.Computer Department,VESIT Mumbai, India

Citation : Sakshi Goplani, Vanita Jeshnani, Kirti Jaisinghani, Mapping Non Profits with High Impact Interaction for Building Sustainability for Indian Women Artisans through E-commerce and Web-based Recommender Systems International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2014, 1(6) : 6-12


Our non-profit website intends to bring forth the talent in the rural areas and make sure their hard work is respected and valued. Many a times when the goods that are produced by their sheer talent and hard work go through the wholesalers and retailers. Profit margins added to them make the cost of the final product exorbitant and what the artisans i.e. the actual creators get in hand is meagre compared to the cost it is sold at. Our portal would act as a transparent medium to display the skills of the rural artisans and give them a fair opportunity to sell their products in the market directly and reap all the profit. This website also will have demonstrations that will enable buyers to understand the efforts that go into making these products. The paper also describes application of artificial intelligence methods to create a knowledge-based system supporting HCI-related activities in e-commerce software development process. The incorporation of a suitable recommender engine to understand the user's choice of products would in turn improve customer relations and product sales. Finally, we wish to introduce a scheme, channelizing part of the profit to the education of the children of these women and empower the future generation.

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