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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Page No: 38-45

An Extension of Modified Three Phase Commit Protocol
for Concurrency Control in Distributed Systems

Mohit Kumar1, Anjali Singh1, Arjun Singh1, Sachin Saxena1

1.Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Invertis University Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Citation : Mohit Kumar, Anjali Singh, Arjun Singh, Sachin Saxena, An Extension of Modified Three Phase Commit Protocol for Concurrency Control in Distributed Systems International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2014, 1(4) : 38-45


The paper entitled "An Extended Three Phase Commit Protocol for Concurrency Control in Distributed System" proposed an algorithm which included four cases to remove the global abortion problem, but this algorithm solved global abortion caused by some unimportant sites. In this paper we have introduced extended algorithm to resolve global abortion caused by either important (primary) or unimportant (secondary) sites. In this research we have introduce one new table TIT (Transaction Information Table). Previously one transaction was sub-divided into sub-transactions and then each subtransaction was issued at different sites. There was a variable named FLAG which has two values CONSISTENT or INCONSISTENT, but it failed to solve the global abortion problem caused by important (primary) sites.

In our algorithm we used a table named TIT (Transaction Information Table) along with the variable FLAG which finds out the solution of the global abortion problem caused by primary sites.

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