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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Page No: 91-102

Enhancing the Performance of Routing Protocol in MANETS

Supriya P.Joshi1, Madhumita Chatterjee2

1.Student PIIT Panvel Mumbai University Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
2.PIIT,Panvel Mumbai University Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Citation : Supriya P.Joshi, Madhumita Chatterjee, Enhancing the Performance of Routing Protocol in MANETS International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2014, 1(4) : 91-102


Generally in ad hoc networks each and every node acts as a router and forwards packets to the destination. Due to mobility of nodes there is possibility of link failures which leads to loss of data packets, if the data lost is time critical then it cannot be recovered from the intermediate node, only upon request the data can be sent from the source node. This causes delay in transmitting the data and congestion in the network. Though AODV takes best route for the destination, delay is not minimized in case of route failure.

Due to the changing network topology of ad hoc networks, if other routes with less hop count become available, the network topology is not able to adapt to the changes until a link failure occurs.

In this paper our objective is to implement a new routing protocol called dynamic route shortening with ondemand route repair with link breakage prediction. The route shortening scheme works by replacing some redundant nodes in the active route .Link breakage algorithm predicts link failure between two nodes, then on-demand route repair mechanism repairs the route and the intermediate node which suffered from link failure calls the route repair mechanism as soon as it detect the link is failed between the nodes.

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