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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Page No: 79-90

The Role of Information Technology for Institutional Resources Management

Umo.Bassey Antigha1, Edet Hayford Solomon2, Bassey, Antigha Okon Ph.D3

1.Post-Graduate Student Department of Library and Information Science University of Calabar Nigeria.
2.Chief Productivity Research Officer National Productivity Centre Cross River State Office - Calabar.
3.Lecturer, Department of Sociology University of Calabar, Nigeria.

Citation : Umo Bassey Antigha, Edet Hayford Solomon, Bassey Antigha Okon Ph.D, The Role of Information Technology for Institutional Resources Management International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2014, 1(4) : 79-90


This paper defines and explores information technology (use of these technologies: computing, microelectronics and telecommunication) on how it has gained ground worldwide. It examines the role(s) information technology (IT) can play in institutional resources management. It defines different aspects of IT and what constitutes the institutional resources management. It examines the role of computers in instruction (CAI) and the need to utilize the IT in resources management. It also deals with the quality of good information as well as the current issues in information and communication technology. The paper included electronic communication as an integral component of information technology and concluded with its benefits in resource management, which includes use of storage facilities, effective and accurate resources maintenance system, records and accountability checks, among others.

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