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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Page No: 33-38

Detection of Malicious URLs by Correlating the Chains of Redirection in an Online Social Network (Twitter)

MD.Sabeeha1, SK.Karimullah1, P.Babu2

1.PG Schalor,CSE, Quba college of engineering and technology. 2.Associate professor, QCET, NELLORE.

Citation : MD.Sabeeha, SK.Karimullah, P.Babu, Detection of Malicious URLs by Correlating the Chains of Redirection in an Online Social Network (Twitter) International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2014, 1(3) : 33-38


Twitter is prone to malicious tweets containing URLs for spam, phishing, and malware distribution. Conventional Twitter spam detection schemes utilize account features such as the ratio of tweets containing URLs and the account creation date, or relation features in the Twitter graph. These detection schemes are ineffective against feature fabrications or consume much time and resources. Conventional suspicious URL detection schemes utilize several features including lexical features of URLs, URL redirection, HTML content, and dynamic behavior. However, evading techniques such as time-based evasion and crawler evasion exist. In this paper, we propose WARNINGBIRD, a suspicious URL detection system for Twitter. Our system investigates correlations of URL redirect chains extracted from several tweets. Because attackers have limited resources and usually reuse them, their URL redirect chains frequently share the same URLs. We develop methods to discover correlated URL redirect chains using the frequently shared URLs and to determine their suspiciousness. We collect numerous tweets from the Twitter public timeline and build a statistical classifier using them. Evaluation results show that our classifier accurately and efficiently detects suspicious URLs. We also present WARNINGBIRD as a near real-time system for classifying suspicious URLs in the Twitter stream.

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